This stunning 109-year-old bridge has stood the test of time and is one of Redding’s must-see, historical structures.
Redding may be home to one of the most iconic bridges in California, but did you know that Redding also lays claim to having one of the very first automobile bridges ever built in the state? It’s called the “Diestelhorst Bridge” and it’s a true part of Redding’s rich architectural history.
The bridge gets its unique name “Diestelhorst” (pronounced “di-estel-horst”) from Gotleib Diestelhorst, a German immigrant that started construction on the bridge back in 1914 as a part of the original Highway 99 which was the first highway to run completely up and down the Golden State. The bridge was also the first in the state that allowed cars to cross over the Sacramento River.
With its massive, curved arches that support the bridge from below, to the charming lamp posts that line the walkway above, you’ll be transported back to the days where horse drawn carriages and model-T Fords dotted the rural yet developing Redding landscape.
Completed in 1915, the Diestelhorst bridge quickly became the most popular way to get across the Sacramento River. When Henry Ford’s mass-produced automobiles started making their way to the west coast, the bridge was split into two separate lanes to accommodate the new wave of motorists. One of the first gas stations ever built in Redding was later added at the end of the bridge for travelers to refuel as well as riverside cabins for those who wanted to stay for the night.
Today, you won’t have to worry about sharing this bridge with automobiles anymore as it was converted into a pedestrian bridge in 1997. While on the bridge, you’ll be able to enjoy majestic 360° views of the Sacramento River as well as take in the scenic mountains that make up the backdrop to our beautiful city. It’s also a part of the Sacramento River Trail, so there are many ways you can experience the bridge, whether you’re on foot, bicycle or scooter.
The Diestelhorst Bridge spans the Sacramento River and was the first concrete bridge to do so in Northern California. Completed in 1915, today the bridge acts as a pedestrian bridge, and is part of the Sacramento River National Recreation Trail. This large open-air setting is ideal for weddings, reunions, and receptions, with stunning views of the Sacramento River. Facility rental through Redding Recreation costs $150 per day, and must be reserved at least one day in advance of your event date.