Starts April 18, 2025
Occurs: Every 1 day(s) ending on April 27, 2025.

Location: All over Redding!
Redding, CA

One of Reddings most anticipated annual events is fast approaching! Kool April Nites will fill Redding with colossal events. The week kicks off with Show and Shines throughout the city, and leads up to Fridays Cruise Nite and shows on Saturday and Sunday. Cruise Nite begins at 6:30 p.m. on Friday with a spectacular parade of cars from a variety of eras. Take a seat along the cruise route and enjoy this two hour show. Stop by the Civic Auditorium for another opportunity to enjoy your favorite car or hot rod at The Big Show on Saturday. Attend the grand finale of Kool April Nites at Sundays Big Show! Begin your day with an opening ceremony, followed by an opportunity to sell or buy classic cars, and an awards presentation.

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